Battle for Mercia 2 inters men/women Logo

Battle for Mercia 2 inters men/women

run by BTB

Entries closed  

Bishton Hall, Wolseley Bridge, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST17 0XN


Entry via

Spectators From £2.00



BTB Battle for Mercia Comp Saturday 12th 

Who will be crownd KING/Queen! of the Stones Inters strong peoples.  

Entry £40 head over to
to sign up

Entry fee is NON REFUNDABLE! But happy to swap entry to another athlete (swap to a Friend)

5 Traditional and unique stone based events 

Event 1: Mercia Carry. Men 110 kg Women 80kg. Natural Stone Farmers Ringed handles. (ringed suitcase style Farmers) into Power stairs.  carry 20m  into 3 steps. Max 60 seconds . 

Event 2:  Gallos Daedlift. Men 200kg Women 130kg approx bit like a Ukrainian style Deadlift. Athletes will be stood on a raised platform. lifting a natural stone with a chain with a t bar style handle. reps in 60 Seconds.

Event 3: Men 120kg/100kg Women 80kg/65kg  The Matthews Stones. 2 Natural stones. attached together via an 8 ft chain. moved individually to complete the 15m course (90 seconds Limit)

Event 4: Highland Wolf Press, Men 100kg Women 70kg. So its similar to a yoke press but the weights (stones) swing independently. Making it an unstabble wobbly style press

Final Event: Tacky Less Atlas stones Men- 90,100,110,120,130

Women- 40,50,60,70,80

Pick, Carry, load. distance gets shorter as stones get heavier 10m-2m

Enrty includes Comp T shirt Trophies for the top 3 Places. 15 spaces avaliable in each cat for the saturday. 

The event will be run at Bishton hall as part of their Battle for Mercia festival, going to be a full weekend of family fun, 

A full working viking village
Viking Battle reenactment
Viking clans 
Celtic Clans 
Long bow demenstrations
Axe throwing 
Food Court 
Mercia Whisky company 
Arts and craft stalls 
and loads more a proper family packed day through the ages 

any questions please ask

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