
Strength Register strives to provide the most comprehensive listing of Strongman and Strongwoman competitions in the UK and Ireland.

The best way to do this is for promoters to list competitions on the site, rather than our team finding them on Facebook, Instagram and the web.

Signing up, listing and searching for competitions is free.

Promoters are able to add competitions in advance and publish when ready, add artwork and review statistics (including when people click to visit your Facebook/Instagram/Website links).

We also provide a page for promoters to provide contact information, logos, and a short bio. This page also lists your future competitions.

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 09.52.28
A Son of Anxiety
1 upcoming competition
2 past competitions
1 past competition
Adrenalize Fitness HQ
1 upcoming competition
2 past competitions
Untitled design (1)
AGF Fitness
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Aisha Digankar Logo
Aisha Digankar
1 upcoming competition
3 past competitions
3 upcoming competitions
25 past competitions
All Things Strength
5 past competitions
Alpha Training Unit
3 past competitions
Photoroom-20241115_125759 (1)
1 upcoming competition
Anvil Strength Gym Logo
Anvil Strength Gym
4 past competitions
Area 51 Strongman Gym Logo
Area 51 Strongman Gym
13 past competitions
Ashbourne Strong
2 past competitions
Barbell Training Complex
3 past competitions
Barons Fitness
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Battle of the Beasts
1 upcoming competition
Ben Glasscock
6 past competitions
Ben Joyce (Strongman Scorer)
2 upcoming competitions
12 past competitions
Ben moulton
1 upcoming competition
2 past competitions
Berserker Strength and Fitness limited
1 past competition
Big C's Gym
1 upcoming competition
4 past competitions
Big Mak Strength Logo
Big Mak Strength
3 upcoming competitions
13 past competitions
Big Wintz
2 past competitions
1 upcoming competition
3 past competitions
Bionic Branch Barbell Club - Club3B Logo
Bionic Branch Barbell Club - Club3B
1 upcoming competition
15 past competitions
Bionik Strength HQ
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Blackbeard FB logo
Blackbeard Strength
1 upcoming competition
5 past competitions
Blackpools Strongest
3 past competitions
3 past competitions
Bodyzone Gym
3 past competitions
Brett miles
1 past competition
Bridge Road Barbell Logo
Bridge Road Barbell
4 past competitions
British Natural Strongman Federation Logo
British Natural Strongman Federation (BNSF)
15 past competitions
4 past competitions
Buds Fitness, Transparent background
Buds Fitness
1 upcoming competition
7 past competitions
Callanan Strength Promotions Logo
Callanan Strength Promotions
1 past competition
Cardiff's Strongest Promotions
1 upcoming competition
Cast Iron Strength
2 past competitions
Celtic Strength and Fitness Logo
Celtic Strength and Fitness
9 past competitions
CHF Gym Braintree
1 past competition
City Strength Logo
City Strength
4 upcoming competitions
27 past competitions
Commando Temple
2 past competitions
Conquer Your Goals
3 upcoming competitions
3 past competitions
Cornwalls Most Powerful Man / woman
1 upcoming competition
2 past competitions
Craig Candler
3 past competitions
3 past competitions
Cumbrian Strongman Promotions
5 past competitions
Clutton's Strongest Logo
Dagger Camping and Outdoor Pursuits
1 past competition
Dan McNamee
3 past competitions
Dan Thomas
5 past competitions
Daniel Coulman
1 past competition
Dave Straughton
3 past competitions
DB Morgan Logo
DB Morgan
1 past competition
Deadlifts over Depression
1 past competition
Dean Evans
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Dedicated Strength Gym
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Dedicated Strongman S&C Gym
1 upcoming competition
11 past competitions
1 upcoming competition
2 past competitions
Devon Strength
1 past competition
Dominus Strength and Conditioning
4 past competitions
Dominus Strongman division
4 past competitions
3 upcoming competitions
11 past competitions
Elite strongman promotions Logo
Elite Strongman Promotions
2 upcoming competitions
32 past competitions
Em-power Fitness
3 past competitions
Fierce Fitness
1 past competition
Fierce Gym
3 past competitions
Find Your Fitness
1 past competition
1 past competition
Fitness @ the street
1 upcoming competition
4 past competitions
Fitness at The Street
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Gareth PENN
1 past competition
Giant's Live Logo
Giant's Live
4 upcoming competitions
22 past competitions
Gloucestershire's Strongest Logo
Gloucestershire's Strongest
1 past competition
1 past competition
Gods Of Grip Logo
Gods Of Grip
5 past competitions
Goliath Strongman
3 past competitions
Gover Gym
1 past competition
Grindhouse Strongman
11 past competitions
Grindhouse Strongman Gym
1 past competition
Guernsey's Strongest Club
1 past competition
Gym Based Athlete
17 past competitions
Gym Nation London Bridge
1 past competition
Halifax Strength Unit
4 past competitions
Hannah Fitzgerald
3 upcoming competitions
1 past competition
Herm Strongest
1 upcoming competition
Hobbs strength
1 past competition
Hostile Strength Logo
Hostile Strength
18 past competitions
House Of Chunk
1 past competition
2 past competitions
Hulls Strongest Logo
Hulls Strongest
1 upcoming competition
10 past competitions
Hunter Strength and Fitness
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Hybrid Strength
3 past competitions
Ian Hodgkiss
2 past competitions
Ignite strength and fitness
2 past competitions
Imperial Bodies
2 upcoming competitions
2 past competitions
Imperial Bodies Gym
1 past competition
Implexus Gym
2 upcoming competitions
11 past competitions
Iron Forge Gym
2 upcoming competitions
3 past competitions
Iron Freaks Strongman
39 past competitions
Iron freaks/David Millett
1 past competition
Iron Institute
1 past competition
Iron island Ltd
1 upcoming competition
Jamie Gorrian
4 upcoming competitions
17 past competitions
JC Performance GYM
3 past competitions
John O'Donnell
1 upcoming competition
JWPT Nottingham
1 past competition
JYM strength and Fitness
1 upcoming competition
Kaos Promotions
6 upcoming competitions
67 past competitions
stockey_geezer_globe (002)
Kevin Neild
1 upcoming competition
Kim Parish
1 upcoming competition
Koru Gym
3 past competitions
Lab Gym Strength Promotions Logo
Lab Gym Strength Promotions
9 past competitions
Lancings Strongest
1 past competition
1 upcoming competition
3 past competitions
Lewis Williams
3 past competitions
Lift The Bar Apparel Logo
Lift The Bar Apparel
16 past competitions
Lincs FitBox
2 past competitions
Logi Bear Lifts (logan)
2 past competitions
Lone Wolf High Performance Training
1 past competition
Louise Harrison Strongman/Strongwoman Events
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Blue & Gold Logo
Mammoth Strength Club
1 upcoming competition
8 past competitions
Man Beast Strongman Events Logo
Man Beast Strongman Events
1 upcoming competition
10 past competitions
Marc Cherry
21 past competitions
Matty Costello - GSP Promotions
5 upcoming competitions
30 past competitions
Mayhem Gym
1 upcoming competition
4 past competitions
Mission Fitness UK
1 upcoming competition
2 past competitions
2 past competitions
Muscle Empire Fitness
6 upcoming competitions
7 past competitions
Muscle Locker
2 past competitions
Nathan Willimer
1 past competition
National Fitness Games
1 past competition
1 past competition
3 upcoming competitions
5 past competitions
New Forest Strongest
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Norfolk Strongman
1 upcoming competition
7 past competitions
North East Strongman Promotions Logo
North East Strongman Promotions
4 upcoming competitions
35 past competitions
Northern Strength and Performance
12 past competitions
Nova performance
15 past competitions
Oak Strength
2 past competitions
Official Strongman Logo
Official Strongman
1 upcoming competition
13 past competitions
Old Time Strength Gym
5 past competitions
Olympus Gym
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Overreach Barbell Club
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
P Dewhurst
1 past competition
logo no bg
Paddy Haynes
1 upcoming competition
11 past competitions
Peter Hibberd
1 upcoming competition
3 past competitions
Pure Grit
1 past competition
Pure Grit Training & Performance
1 upcoming competition
4 past competitions
Rebel Strength Logo
Rebel Strength
7 past competitions
Red Beard Barbell Club
1 upcoming competition
14 past competitions
Red Squirrel Events Logo
Red Squirrel Events
2 upcoming competitions
7 past competitions
Reps and sets gym
7 past competitions
1 past competition
1 past competition
Rhinos Gym
1 past competition
Ringwood and verwood boxing
3 past competitions
Rob Beaumont
1 upcoming competition
Rob dale
2 past competitions
Rogue Wolf Tribe LTD
2 past competitions
Royals Gym
7 past competitions
RTW FITNESS/Sons of Anxiety Strength Club
2 past competitions
Ryan Davies
1 upcoming competition
Ryan Naylor
4 past competitions
Sacred Strength Promotions
1 past competition
Sarah carey
1 past competition
Saudi Silverback
1 past competition
Scott Bleakley
1 past competition
Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 19.32.47
Scottish Strongwoman League
4 past competitions
2 upcoming competitions
Seb James
6 past competitions
Shane nye
4 past competitions
Shetland Weight Training Club
2 past competitions
Shropshire Strength
1 past competition
Silverback Strength Games
1 past competition
South Coast Gym
3 past competitions
Spartan training centre
1 upcoming competition
6 past competitions
Untitled (6)
Square One Gym
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
6 past competitions
STAG Fitness North East Logo
STAG Fitness
1 upcoming competition
9 past competitions
Steel City Strongman
1 past competition
Strength and Stones Logo
Strength and Stones
1 past competition
Strength Circus
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Strength Register Promotions Logo
Strength Register Promotions
1 past competition
Strength Shack Gym
1 past competition
Strongest Dragon 2025
1 upcoming competition
Strongwoman Events Ltd
1 past competition
Strongwoman Ireland
1 upcoming competition
8 past competitions
Sweatbox Trainin Logo
Sweatbox Training
3 past competitions
Team Manimal Strongman Logo
Team Manimal Strongman
5 upcoming competitions
23 past competitions
The Barbell Division Logo
The Barbell Division
2 upcoming competitions
14 past competitions
The Iron Kingdom Strength & Fitness
1 past competition
The Powerbuilding Gym
1 upcoming competition
8 past competitions
The PT Unit - Skelmersdale
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
The Unit - Ilkeston Logo
The Unit - Ilkeston
4 past competitions
The Unit Health and Fitness
2 upcoming competitions
8 past competitions
The Workshop Gym
1 past competition
The yard gym kelso
1 past competition
Titan Promotions
2 past competitions
TNT Fitness
2 past competitions
Tommy Pitchforth
1 past competition
1 past competition
Tubbyfit/acheive strength
1 past competition
1 past competition
UK Natural Strongman Federation Logo
UK Natural Strongman Federation
23 past competitions
Ultimate strength series
5 past competitions
Ultimate Strongman Logo
Ultimate Strongman
19 past competitions
Unbreakable Promotions
3 upcoming competitions
14 past competitions
Underground Gym Newhaven
6 past competitions
1 past competition
Valhalla Strength Club Logo
Valhalla Strength Club
3 past competitions
Valhalla Strength UK Logo
Valhalla Strength UK
2 past competitions
Valhalla Training Academy
1 upcoming competition
2 past competitions
Viking Power and Strength
1 upcoming competition
7 past competitions
War Machines Gym
1 upcoming competition
1 past competition
Warrior Gym Bolton
1 past competition
Warriors World
2 past competitions
Wf11 strength club
5 past competitions
2 upcoming competitions
1 past competition
Wild Training Gym
2 past competitions
Wiltshire’s Strongest Logo
Wiltshire’s Strongest
1 upcoming competition
5 past competitions
Wolfpack Strength
2 past competitions
9 past competitions
Wyreside Barbell
1 upcoming competition
Zach Speight
2 upcoming competitions
2 past competitions

Strength Register is a free resource for Strongman and Strongwoman

Our listings are updated by competition organisers and promoters, gyms owners and coaches that sign up to the site and provide their information. This is supplemented by us following social media and scouring the internet.

It's free to register and list a competition, gym or coach. Or, if you know of one that's missing, please let us know by email, Instagram or Facebook. Found a listing that needs more detail? Tell the owner about us so they can add it.

We are self funded and generate income from our shop sales and site sponsorship. We use this to cover costs for running the site and to give back to the sport by sponsoring competitions. Want to sponsor us? Get in touch using the details above.

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