Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 13.54.42

British Isles Strongest Team

Entries closed  

Men: Opens


FR Training, 3 Merrington Lane, Spennymoor, County Durham, DL16 7RY

£60.00 per team


two man team comp with a combined body weight not to exceed 250kg,  
each event will have 2 bits of kit and 2 weights , each team will run at the same time as their partner , reps, time,dist added for a total

text 07808934619 to enter

log lift, 130kg, 110kg, ftoh in 75secs

axle deadlift,  300kg, 260kg, no suits reps in 75secs 

farmers walk,  140kg,  120kg dist in 75secs

anvil grip hold 25kg , Dinnie handle hold 150kg and 120kg,  timed event

stone over a bar 150kg,  pass the parcel,  reps in 75secs

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