
Circus Strongman & Woman

Entries close 7th Jun
Entry fee £45.00 per competitor

Our first stand alone Strongman/woman event for 2025 is this Circus Strongman & Woman. 

We love a theme to our events, and this time, we’ve come up with a unique competition, based on the Old-Time strength feats of some of the best known, original strongmen/women and strength performers the world has ever known. 

You will have the chance to compete and even compare yourself to some of the most amazing and lasting strength feats of all time in this competition.

Whilst we will provide you with t shirts, we will also be inviting you to be the greatest Showman and Show-woman you can be and will be presenting special awards to the athletes who we deem to be as such - this will include, how much of an effort you make to look like an Old-Time Strong person, and how much you entertain us….

This could just be…..The Greatest Show…. 🎪🎤🤡🏋🏻‍♂️


1)Thomas Inch CDB overhead press. 

After the British Strongman, Bodybuilder, Performer, and Author (1881-1963) and Originator of the Thomas Inch Dumbbell Challenge. The iconic dumbbell was not only extremely difficult to lift due to its weigh, but primarily due to the thickness of the handle, at slightly over 60mm.  Inch claimed that he never encountered anyone else who could lift it from the floor using only one hand, let alone 'both' to lift it and overhead press it using only one hand

-60mm handle Circus Dumbbells. 

-Max reps in 60 sec. 

-Trump weights in play. 

-2 weight options per category. 

-1 rep on the heavier weight trumps any number of reps on the lighter weight. 

-If reps are completed on both the heavier & lighter weights, lower weight reps are void. 

-Can be cleaned with two hands to the shoulder. 

-Second hand must be free of contact with the CDB before attempting to press with one hand 

-CDB must be locked out overhead with feet in line, awaiting referees down command. 

-CDB must be returned to drop pad. If not, the rep will not count. 

-A rep given a down command within the 60 seconds will be awarded, providing it is returned to the drop pad as above. 

2)Giant MacAskills Loading Event. 

In memory of Scottish-born Canadian giant Angus MacAskill (1825-1863). A part of PT Barnums Curcus, he was stated to be the Worlds Tallest non-pathological giant and the largest true giant in recorded history at 7 feet 9 inches (2.36 m), he was said to have accomplished strength feats of lifting a ship's anchor weighing 2,200–2,700 pounds (998–1,220 kg) to his chest, and carrying 300lbs barrels under each arm. 

-4 implements to load, including combinations of Husafell Sandbag, Slamballs, Sandbags (details set out per category below). 

-Implements to be loaded to ~1m for women, and ~1.2m for men. 

-Fastest time wins. 

-60 second time limit. 

3)Arthur Saxon & Thomas Inch Grip Medley. 

Again, in reference to Thomas Inch’s Dumbbell Challenge, in which almost all widely renowned strongmen of the time were unable to even break the floor with the dumbbell with one hand, and German Strongman & Circus Performer Arthur Saxon (1868-1921) in which it was reported he could one hand snatch a 3” thick, 90lbs plank of wood. 

-The Saxon Bar will be lifted, once with each hand, to the height of 6” from the floor. 

-The Dumbbells are then to be fully loaded onto a 6” shelf in ascending weight order, using only one hand (choice is yours). 

-hands can switch/alternate throughout the event. 

-fastest time to complete the medley wins. 

-split times of loaded dumbbells. 

-60 second time limit. 

4)Hackensmidt Floor Press for Maximum Weight -

As originated by Estonian Strongman, George Hackensmidt (1877-1968), in a time when pressing was commonly above the head, and benches didn’t exist, the limitations of getting a heavy weight over the chest in a pullover and press movement resulted in being fatigued from the exertion of the pullover, or the weight being light for the ability of the press. To overcome this issue, he utilised oversized plates to make it easier to bring weight over the chest to be pressed. He held the record in the press of 361.5lbs (164kg) for 18 years. 

-Laying on the floor on the back, with legs and feet flat, the athlete will press out the bar above the chest.  

-The bar will be at 15” from the underside of the bar to the floor.

-The lift is complete when the bar is pressed completely with the lifter’s elbows locked out and a down command received. 

-It is not an infraction to press unevenly, lock out at different times, raise the head, or allow the bar to lower during a part of the press.   

-The legs are to be flat on the floor. No lifting of the buttocks, legs, feet. 

-3 attempts 

-30 second limit per attempt once lifters name is called. 

-lifting is in rounds, with lifter giving their nominated weight immediately after each attempt. 

5)Peoples Deadlift (18”) for Maximum Weight, in recognition of the American Bob Peoples (1910-1992), known for breaking the record for the world’s heaviest deadlift. In 1949 he deadlifted 725lbs (329kg) at a bodyweight of 181lbs (82kg) which stood for over 25 years. As part of his training regime he would use reduced range of motion deadlifts (hence, the People’s Deadlift). 

-the lift will be on a Texas power bar, where the underside of the bar will be 18” above the floor. 

-the bar is to be pulled in front of the legs, with the hands outside of the thighs (no sumo allowed) 

-once the lifter is totally upright, legs straight, bar motionless, a down command will be given by the referee. 

-3 attempts 

-30 second limit per attempt once lifters name is called. 

-lifting is in rounds, with lifter giving their nominated weight immediately after each attempt. 

-Bob is also known for having invented lifting straps, and as such, they will be allowed in this lift. 

-No deadlift suits allowed. 


WN = Womens Novice

WI = Womens Inters

MB = Mens Beginners

MN = Mens Novice 

MI = Mens Inters 


WN = 20kg or 31kg

WI = 20kg or 31kg

MB = 31kg or 43kg

MN = 43kg or 48kg

MI = 53kg or 64kg


Minimum starting lift 

WN = 30kg

WI = 40kg

MB = 80kg

MN = 90kg

MI = 105kg


Minimum starting lift. 

WN = 100kg

WI = 130kg

MB = 180kg

MN = 210kg

MI = 240kg


SB = Sandbag

SlamBall = SlamBall 

HSB = Husafell Sandbag 

WN = 40kg SB, 50kg SlamBall, 55kg HSB, 60kg SB

WI = 50kg SlamBall, 55kg HSB, 60kg SB, 70kg SB

MB = 70kg SB, 75kg SlamBall, 75kg HSB, 80kg SB

MN = 75kg SlamBall, 90kg SB, 95kg HSB, 100kg SB

MI = 95kg HSB, 110kg SB, 115kg HSB, 120kg SB


WN = 75mm block (each hand): tbc, 60mm CDB: 20kg, 25kg, 31kg, 35kg, 43kg

WI = 75mm block (each hand): tbc, 60mm CDB: 20kg, 25kg, 31kg, 35kg, 43kg

MB = 75mm block (each hand): tbc, : 60mm CDB: 20kg, 31kg, 35kg, 43kg, 48kg,

MN = 75mm block (each hand): tbc, 60mm CDB: 31kg, 43kg, 48kg, 53kg, 64kg,

MI = 75mm block (each hand): tbc, 60mm CDB: 31kg, 43kg, 48kg, 53kg, 64kg, 71kg

Disclaimer: All events are subject to change at any point, at the discretion of the Event Organiser – Bionic Branch Barbell Club – Club3B. 


Registration is 0900-0930. Late arrivals will not be accepted. 

Athlete briefing 0930-0945. 

Warm up 0945-1000

Events start 1000. 


Event Sponsors (should you wish to sponsor, please get in touch):

AlternationPT - Coaching of strength athletes

Perry’s Portables - Bespoke Garden/Outdoor Structures


£45 Entry

Payment to be sent to;




Include full name & class in the notes. 

Then message to confirm entry is received & t shirt size.

No refunds on entry fees. 

Entries are only confirmed when payment is received. 


Find out more:



Bionic Branch Barbell Club (Club 3B)
Unit 11, Oakland’s Farm Estate, Goatsmoor Lane

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