Dorset Classic 2023 Logo

Dorset Classic 2023

Women: Class A, Novice
Men: Class A, Class B, Class C

Osprey Leisure Centre, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1BD


Spectators £5.00



Date: Saturday 11th November 2023
Time: 08:30 check in, 09:30 start
Location: Osprey Leisure Centre, Portland, DT5 1BD.
Trophies for top 3 in each category and t shirt for all. 
Max 12 competitors per class unless stated
Ladies Class A
Ladies Novice
Men’s Class A (max 20)
Men’s Class B
Men’s Class C 

All weights and events subject to change. 
Entries: £35.00 and non refundable. 
Payment secures your place. 
Payment to: PayPal [email protected] friends and family option only. 
Please state name with T-shirt size and category.
This event is aimed at challenging you. Please enter the right category. Anyone trophy hunting will be moved to the next category up or removed. 

Event 1  Axle Press
Ladies Class A - 40kg
Ladies Novice - 50kg
Men’s Class A - 60kg
Men’s Class B - 80kg
Men's Class C - 90kg

Event 2  Deadlift
Ladies Class A - 90kg
Ladies Novice - 100kg
Men’s Class A - 160kg
Men’s Class B - 190kg
Men’s Class C - 220kg

Event 3 Yoke 
Ladies Class A 112kg
Ladies Novice 142kg
Men’s Class A 182kg
Men’s Class B 212kg
Men’s Class C 262kg

Event 4 Zercher Carry Medley
Zercher Yoke run into sandbag carry 
Ladies Class A 72kg, Bags 45, 60
Ladies Novice 92kg, Bags 45, 60
Men’s Class A 122kg, Bags 60, 70
Men’s Class B 142kg, Bags 70, 80
Men’s Class C 162kg, Bags 80, 100

Event 5  Throwing bags
Ladies Class A 8, 10, 12kg
Ladies Novice 8, 10, 12kg
Men’s Class A 8, 10, 12, 14, 16kg
Men’s Class B 10, 12, 14, 16, 18kg
Men's Class C 14, 16, 18, 20, 22kg

Event 1 Axle Press
Reps in 75 seconds. 

Must wait for the down signal from the ref. 
No dropping for the weight. You will be given one warning only. 
Chalk, straps, belts, sleeves, all allowed. No suits or tacky. 

Event 2  Deadlift
Reps in 60 seconds. 

Must wait for the down signal from the ref. 
No dropping for the weight. You will be given one warning only. 
Chalk, straps, belts, sleeves, all allowed. No suits or tacky. 

Event 3 Yoke 
60 seconds time limit
Carry yoke 20m drop, 
Chalk, straps, belts, sleeves, grip tops allowed. 

Event 4 Zercher Medley
90 seconds time limit
15m run with yoke in zercher position, return and collect sand bag, return and collect sandbag.
Time finishes as last sandbag goes over the yoke.

Items must be lifted in order stated.
Chalk, straps, belts, sleeves, grip tops, all allowed.

Event 5 Throwing bags
90 seconds time limit
3m height for ladies
3.5m height for men
Bags much be thrown in order. 
Chalk, straps, belts, sleeves, all allowed. 

In the event of a tie for the top places, fasted time on event 5 will be taken as back count.

Throwing bags will be run one at a time, for the other 4 events they will be run together.

Any questions, drop the page a message. 

Competitors List…


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