
Imperial Bodies Strongman TEAMS Event

Entries closed  

Men: Mixed
Women: Mixed


Imperial Bodies Gym, 28 High March, High March Ind. Estate, Daventry, Warwickshire, NN11 4HB

£50.00 Team

Beginner friendly strongman comp



Sunday 21st April - Imperial Bodies Daventry

We are running our first teams event! 

Men's teams of 2 

Women's teams of 2 

Beginners friendly comp - please bear that in mind. This comp is for FUN! 

EVENT ONE - Axel F.T.O.H max reps in 60 secs, I go - you go method. Men's 80kg Women's 50kg

EVENT TWO - Farmers relay, timed. 2x 15m trips each. Men's 90kg/hand Women's 60kg/hand

EVENT THREE - deadlift ladder, timed. 4 lifts each, I go - you go method. Men's 130/150/170/190 Women's 70/90/110/120

EVENT FOUR - sandbag load, timed. 15m distance, 5 bags each. Men's 50/50/50/70/80 Women's 30/30/30/50/60

EVENT FIVE - stone tennis (load over yolk) max reps in 60 secs. Men's 100kg Women's 60kg 

£50 per team. Tshirts for all, trophies for swimming men's and women's teams. 

If interested in competing please message Imperial Bodies Gym with names and Tshirt sizes and we will give payment details. 

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