
Iron Freaks Strongest woman

Entries closed  

Women: Class 1, Class 2

Iron Freaks Gym, 47 Midland Road, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN16 1DQ

£20.00 Per competitor

Spectators £2.00



Iron Freaks Strongestwoman

Let's start the year right! 

£20 entry fee.

David Millett
Sort code

If you can't pay by this method then pay via PayPal via friends/family to and specify name/class. [email protected]

message me regards to which class. 

No comp tops, keeping costs lower for a better prize pot. 
Trophies for top 3 & money!!! 
(Subject to meeting minimum athlete entries)

1st place. £40....2nd place. £20...3rd place. £10. 

Class 1. 20 max athletes. 8 Minimum for cash prize.
Class 2. 20 max athletes. 8 minimum for cash prize.

Spectators welcome for £2 each. 

The Events! 

Event 1. Deadlift medley style. 2 reps on each bar. Suits and all straps allowed. Bars - Axle > Stiff > deadlift 
60s Time limit. 

Class 1. 80kg, 100kg, 120kg.
Class 2. 120kg, 150kg, 180kg. 

Event 2. Max axle clean and press.
(All must lift the starting weight, then nominate lifts after) 

Class 1. Starting weight 31kg, then 3 nominated lifts after.
Class 2. Starting weight 51kg, then 3 nominated lifts after. 

Event 3.  Yoke, 20m (10m drop and turn).
60s Time limit. 

Class 1. 140kg
Class 2. 200kg 

Event 4. Sandbag fun! 
Lift sandbag from floor to shoulder 3 times (no touch and go), then run the sandbag  20m (10m, one way and back)
75s Time limit. 

Class 1. 50kg
Class 2. 80kg 

Event 5. Hot potato Stone Off! Atlas stone over bar. 44inch bar height.
Load the stone over the bar, back and fourth. Until someone can no longer load the stone or passes the time limit. Then the next person jumps in and so on. 
10s Time limit per stone load. 

Class 1. 60kg
Class 2. 100kg 

In the event of a tie for podium, then it will go back on the amount of reps completed in the stone over bar.

Refunds only given if comp is cancelled. Not if you pull out.

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