
Newbury's Strongest at Newbury Tattoo Convention 2025

Entries close 27th Jul
Buy Entry & Tickets
Entry fee £50.00 per competitor

Spectators from £16.50

Newbury's Strongest at Newbury Tattoo Convention 2025 takes place in the grandstand of the prestigious Newbury Racecourse.

Overreach Barbell Club are back again, hosting Newbury’s Strongest Man and Woman at Newbury Tattoo Convention 2025.

Newbury’s Strongest aims to find out; who are the strongest men and women in Newbury?

Five distinct strongman events will determine who can prove themselves in gruelling tests of strength.

The first event; the max log press. The athletes must lift a heavy metal implement from the floor to an overhead position. The athletes will take turns to lift the metal log overhead as the implement gradually increases in weight. The heaviest log lifted for a single repetition on the day, will win the event.

The second event; the truck pull. The athlete will strap into a harness, and will demonstrate pure power and endurance as they pull the vehicle down the track. The fastest athlete to cross the finishing line will be declared the winner.

The third event; the trump deadlift for reps. Athletes will have a choice of two bars of different weights. Any number of repetitions on the heavy bar, will beat any number of reps on the lighter bar.

The fourth event; the farmers walk into super yoke. Athletes will lift and carry two heavy implements between two points. If they have any stamina left, they will then need to lift a super heavy yoke onto their shoulders and then race to the finish line. The fastest time or the furthest distance wins.

The fifth and final event; a head to head loading race. An assortment of implements can be loaded in any order onto a platform in a limited time.

A mystery tie breaker event will occur should any athletes be on the same points after 5 events.


  • Max Log - 13” - Rising Bar (60 second time limit)

Men: Starts on 85kg

Women: Starts on 52kg

  • Truck Pull - (20 mtrs, 60 second time limit)

Men: 18 Ton DAF

Women: Large Van

  • Deadlift for Reps (60 second time limit)

Men: 220kg axle bar OR 270kg deadlift bar

Women: 130kg axle bar OR 160kg olympic bar

  • Farmers into Yoke (20mtrs, into 10mtrs - 60 second time limit)

Men: 120kg farmers, 330kg yoke

Women: 70kg farmers, 200kg yoke

  • Loading Race (75 second time limit)

Men: Varying implements from 60kg to 140kg

Women: Varying implements from 40kg to 100kg

PLEASE NOTE that Newbury Tattoo Convention 2025 is a ticketed event. Entry to the convention and parking is included in the entry fee for athletes. Spectators will need to purchase a ticket, which can be done in advance via Strength Register.


In order to get to the parking for Newbury Racecourse where the competition will be held;

Please follow directions to Stryker House on Hambridge Road, RG14 5AW and then follow signs for Newbury Tattoo Convention/Newbury Racecourse Parking.

Trophies and prizes will be awarded to the top 3 men and women.

Keep informed with the local Strongman and Powerlifting scene by following

@hepulesobc and @overreachbarbellclub on Instagram

Find out more:




  • Opens
    16 of 20 spaces available
  • Opens
    20 of 20 spaces available


Newbury Racecourse
Racecourse Road
West Berkshire
RG14 7NZ


Men Opens
4 competitors
Women Opens
No competitors
2XL t-shirt
Klemens Koziol
2XL t-shirt
Mat Gordon
3XL t-shirt
Mike Riches
3XL t-shirt


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