Norfolk Deadlift Competition & PB Party 2023 Logo

Norfolk Deadlift Competition & PB Party 2023

Entries closed  

Men: u80KG, u90KG, u105KG, u120KG, Opens, Masters 40+ Open, Masters 50+ Open
Women: u64KG, u73kg, u82KG, Opens, Masters 40+ Open, Masters 50+ Open

Big Andy's Gym, Breckland, Norfolk, NR19 2BA




We're going back to our roots, and putting on an event to show just what Big Andy's Gym is all about. Pulling the biggest deadlift you can manage, to finish 2023 on the ultimate high. 

There are two options for those wishing to take part:
1. Lift for the fun! Smash a PB, no worrying about weigh ins or what anyone else does. This is you versus you 💪
2. Or, if you do have a competitive streak and want to see how you place against others, pick a category to compete in, and there will be medals for podium finishers. 

We're putting on all strongman categories, so just pick the one that you fit into best:

Mens - U80, U90, U105, U120, Opens, Masters 40+, Masters 50+
Womens - U64, U73, U82, Opens, Masters 40+, Masters 50+

Categories will only run though if we have at least one entry in it by 31st October. We will also have a limit on the total number of athletes too, so make sure to get your names down! 

We welcome anyone and everyone to join us for the day - strongmen and women, powerlifters, crossfitters, bodybuilders, and anyone else who just loves to deadlift 😁


Rules & Info
Deadlift suits will be allowed for anyone who wishes to use one. Three nominated lifts, standard or figure 8 straps allowed, hitching permitted, no sumo, no dropping. 

Strength Register is a free resource for Strongman and Strongwoman

Our listings are updated by competition organisers and promoters, gyms owners and coaches that sign up to the site and provide their information. This is supplemented by us following social media and scouring the internet.

It's free to register and list a competition, gym or coach. Or, if you know of one that's missing, please let us know by email, Instagram or Facebook. Found a listing that needs more detail? Tell the owner about us so they can add it.

We are self funded and generate income from our shop sales and site sponsorship. We use this to cover costs for running the site and to give back to the sport by sponsoring competitions. Want to sponsor us? Get in touch using the details above.

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