This is a mixed pairs event.
...but who will reign supreme?
Our mixed pairs categories are:
- Beginners
- Lightweight (combined weight of under 170kg)
- Heavyweight
We run a strict "don't be a dick" policy. This means we politely request that you help us uphold the competition's ethos of welcoming as many people as possible into our sport and ensuring you enter the appropriate category for you.
We aim to make our events competitive but accessible. Our refs are firm but fair. Our banter isn't the best but we think we're funny. Above all else, we hope to showcase how fun our sport is across 5 brilliant events.
Our events are family and dog friendly - as long as all are kept fully under control. There will be heavy lifting, a large amount of people and a lot of organised chaos.
There is scope for event sponsorship and vendors on the day - please do just get in touch.