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Rhinos Strongman First Timers & Novice Competition

run by Rhinos Gym

Entries close 09/06/2024  

Men: Novice, First timers
Women: First timers, Novice

Rhinos Gym, Common Barn Farm, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS14 9PX


Ideal first comp for people wanting to try the every growing sport of strongman



Rhinos Gym is hosting a summer comp for first timers & novice men and women on Sunday 30th June 2024.


FIRST TIMERS – For those wanting to have a go at the ever-growing sport of strongman. You must not have competed in ANY strongman comp before. BUT, if the weights are not challenging for you, step it up to Novice!

NOVICE- If you have won a novice comp, or placed top 3 more than twice, this isn’t the comp for you.


1. Deadlift Ladder

2. Sandbag For Distance

3. Axle Bar FTOH

4. Farmers Carry

5. Sandbag To Shoulder

For full details please see facebook event.

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