Strongman competition in Heathfield, East Sussex. Categories include: Mens A, B and Opens, Womens A and B £30 entry includes comp tee, and prizes for winners.
The South-East is about to crown it's strongest!
Join us for an explosive day of brute force at the South-East's Strongest, this July, Hosted by Gover Gym, just outside Heathfield, East Sussex.
Competitors: entry is £30 and includes a competition tee.
Prizes: Trophies to the winners, further prizes tbc. The more competitors, the more and better prizes we can do.
Spectator entry is free. This is a family event so please bring your friends, family, children, nan, etc.
Get your entries in ASAP, we're expecting places to fill up, and we are numbers limited due to space and time.
Subject to change, note we need 5 people minimum for a category to go ahead. Should a category not go ahead we will offer you a spot in another category or a refund.
Mens A - ideal for novice level strongmen or those looking to try the sport
Mens B - Ideal for those with a bit more experience, but not ready for the step up to the Opens, and masters level strongmen
Mens Open - does what it says on the tin.
Womens A - ideal for novice level strongwomen or those looking to try the sport
Womens B - for intermediate through to open level strongwomen
Event 1 - Overhead medley - all implements from floor to overhead in any way you like. Scored by which implement you reach for time, or by reps on the keg.
Time capped 60 seconds. Down commands must be given for lifts to count.
- Monster Dumbell:
- MA 40kg, MB 55kg, Open 70kg
- WA 25kg, WB 35kg
- Axle:
- MA 70kg, 90kg, Open 115kg
- WA 40kg, WB 55kg
- Log:
- MA 80kg, 100kg, Open 120kg
- WA 40kg, WB 55kg
- Keg:
- MA 60kg, 80kg, Open 100kg
- WA 30kg, WB 40kg
Event 2 - Loading medley - all items to be loaded into a mini skip. 15m runs from the skip to each object. Finishing back at the start line.
- Sandbag:
- MA 80kg, MB 100kg, Open 125
- WA 40kg, WB 60kg
- Tire (weights approx):
- MA 80kg, MB 100kg, Open 120
- WA 40kg, WB 60kg
- Keg:
- MA 80kg, MB 90kg, Open 100
- WA 30kg, WB 40kg
Event 3 - Silver Dollar Ascending Weight - using silver dollar attachments lifting from 18”. 20kg to be added as soon as the bar is slack, each lift must begin within 5 seconds of lift command. Your event ends when you fail a rep. Your score will be the weight you lift, or if the bar is maxed, your reps at the top weight.
All suits, straps, methods and equipment allowed. Lift and down commands given.
- Opening Weight:
- MA 180, MB 220, Open 260kg
- WA 100kg, WB 140kg
Event 4 - Moving & Grip medley - all implements for 15m, object to object, no runs between. All objects must only break the distance line in any way. 60 second time cap. Scored by time to finish.
- Farmers Walk (weight per hand):
- MA 75kg, MB 100kg, Open 120kg
- WA 40kg, WB 60kg
- Yoke:
- MA 200kg, MB 240kg, Open 260kg
- WA 100kg, WB 140kg
- Farmers Frame:
- MA 150kg, MB 190, Open 230kg
- WA 80kg, WB 110kg
Event 5 - Mystery event!
To enter: Please send £30 via PayPal to [email protected]. Please include with this your full name, T-Shirt size and which category you are entering.
Entries are refundable up to a month before the competition (to allow t-shirt printing).
Competitors List:
Mens A
- Jack Bird
- Chris Steer
- Jaime Wickens
- Lovette Burland
- Andy Watts
- Jonjo Keane
- Jack Foreman
- Aaron Dadswell
- Alex Hand
- Richard Turburville
- Ben Rundle
Mens B
- Martin Hunt
- Lewis Blackwell
- Liam McKeown
- Jason Law
- Alessandro Sinacore
- Dave Morris
Mens Open
- Kieran Wilson
Womens A
- Kate Hersey-MacDonald
Womens B
Gover Gym
Burwash Road
East Sussex
TN21 8RU