Spectators up to £2.00
Mixed teams - one woman and one man
No rules for signing up eg if you have won a novice comp etc all we ask is you find the weights a challenge!
Event 1 - Max Log clean + press
3 nominated lifts. Can reattempt a failed lift but can’t go down weight. Highest lift from each athlete will be added together for teams final score.
Event 2 - Barbell Deadlift from the floor reps 75s
W 120kg
M 200kg
Athletes will alternate back and forward. Can only perform lift once team mate has had down signal.
Event 3 - Farmers Carry drop and turn 15m x2
W 60kg a hand
M 100kg a hand
Women will go first then athletes will load mens weight on and they will go next. Quickest times for both completed runs.
Event 4 - Death medley. Keg, sandbag, backwards sled drag 10m each
W 40kg, 60kg, 80kg
M 70kg, 100kg, 120kg
Athletes will take turn moving each object. Can only begin a carry once team mate has crossed the line with their object. Quickest time to move all objects.
Event 5 - Stones reps in 75s
W 70kg stone to 44” platform
M 120kg stone over 48” yoke
Athletes will alternate back and forward. Can only begin lift when team mate has completed theirs.
Straps allowed for deadlift no suits
Tacky allowed for stones
Entry payment £30 (£60 a team) includes T-shirt, medals and trophies for top 3 n each category. Payment made via PayPal to [email protected] under friends and family please state:
Names of competitors
Name of team
T shirt sizes
There will be NO refunds under any circumstances and we wont be holding any spaces for anyone first come first served
The Unit Health and Fitness
Unit 5 Birchwood Way
NE63 0XD