Hull’s Strongest Logo

Hull’s Strongest

Day Passes £7.50

Membership from £40.00 per month

Hull's only dedicated Strength Facility focusing on Strongman and powerlifting, open to all wanting to improve their strength and conditioning.
4ft and 6ft wooden logs
Atlas Stones 40-160kg in 10kg jumps
Calibrated plates and specific SBD bars
Combo bench
Farmers handles
Full range of cerberus sand bags
Throwing bags
Monster DB
Pressing block
Husafell Shield
Fingals Finger
Frame carry
Car Walk
Car deadlift frame
Viking Press
Sled drag
Dinnie Handles
Grip training
Silver dollar deadlift





Hull's Strongest, Unit 1, Unity House, Rotterdam Road, Hull, Kingston upon Hull, City of, HU7 0XD

Strength Register is a free resource for Strongman and Strongwoman

Our listings are updated by competition organisers and promoters, gyms owners and coaches that sign up to the site and provide their information. This is supplemented by us following social media and scouring the internet.

It's free to register and list a competition, gym or coach. Or, if you know of one that's missing, please let us know by email, Instagram or Facebook. Found a listing that needs more detail? Tell the owner about us so they can add it.

We are self funded and generate income from our shop sales and site sponsorship. We use this to cover costs for running the site and to give back to the sport by sponsoring competitions. Want to sponsor us? Get in touch using the details above.

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