- 3 power rack stations
- 4 deadlifting platforms
- 2 competition bench presses
- Monorack Attachments
- Competition specific area
consisting of:
- Squat stands
- Competition bench press
- 8ft x 8ft platform
- IPF approved competition barbell
- IPF approved calibrated competition plates
- A range of barbells including
- Power bars
- IPF approved power bar
- Texas squat bar
- Texas deadlift bar
- Strengthshop deadlift bar
- Over 1,500kg worth of plates
- Atlas stones ranging from 20kg - 180kg
- Stone loading platform (5 heights from 1.0m to 1.4m)
- Yoke
- Farmers walk handles
- Farmers frame attachments
- Prowler
- Sled with harness
- Tyres of various sizes
- Axle Bar
- Logs
- Loadable circus dumbbell
- Kegs
- Sandbags
- Loadable duck walk
- Car Deadlift Frame
- Throwing bag
- Natural stones of various weights, shapes and sizes
- Dumbbells ranging from 2.5kg - 75kg
- Adjustable benches
- Glute ham raise
- Hyperextension
- Reverse hyperextension
- Sissy squat
- Lat pulldown/cable row
- Belt squat
- Safety squat bar
- EZ bar
- Swiss Bar
-Trap Bar
-Plyo Box
- Resistance Bands
- Dips horns
- Slam Balls
- Battle ropes
- Concept 2 rower
- Tacky