Novice open to any weight but a novice lifter less than 3 comps.
Event 1 - Axle 16inch tyre overhead press, 90kg from floor to overhead for as many reps as possible in 90 seconds head to head. Belt cleans allowed.
Event 2 - Car deadlift for reps as many reps as possible in 60 seconds
Event 3 - Arm over arm van pull, into van push 30m into sandbag carry 75kg 30m fastest time.
Event 4- Farmers walk 100kg per hand over 30m no turn and head to head.
Event 5 -Atlas stone over yoke height will be around 52inches to keep fair for shorter atheletes, weight 120kg, time 75seconds
Opens any weight and experience
Event 1- Overhead Medley, 2 x 50kg Hex dumbells to be pressed simultaneously, 120kg axle 16inch with tyres, 150kg Log and finally 100kg block fastest time wins, time limit 75 seconds. No belt cleans on axle.
Event 2 - Truck Pull possibly also with trailer still to be tested 40 meters fastest time wins, 120 seconds time limit.
Event 3 - Van deadlift for reps, time limit 60 seconds.
Event 4- Van hold. Hold vans on ramps via handles for as long as possible wins.
Event 5 - Atlas stone 160kg over 52inch yoke for reps, time limit 75 seconds.
Price to enter - tbc with t shirts and trophies top 3
Event start 1100
Event finish 1700
Athletes will need to be at comp by 0900 for briefing of rules timings and what is expected of them and be able to warm up.
Unlike many other comps you will have a full gym to warm up properly and we aim to run through events quickly to help atheltes get through the day efficiently and less risk of injuries .