
Strongman & Strongwoman First Timers!

run by ALFitness

Entry fee £40.00 per competitor

Each year we kick things of with a great competition for first timers. Those who have never competed in strongman or strongwoman before! 

We also have a lighter mens and lighter Womens category to even the playing field! 
There’s an U95kg mens lighter weight category and a category for anyone over 95kg and for the women it’s a lighter category for anyone U75kg and a category for anyone over 75kg. Weigh ins are from 8am on the day. 

Entries can be made here…


Let’s look at the exciting bit, the events! 

Log FTOH for reps in 60s 

Clean and press as many times as possible in one minute. All belts, elbow and knee sleeves allowed. 

Women will use our 10 inch Mira fit logs
Men will use the 13 inch strength shop logs. 

U75kg - 32.5kg 
O75KG - 37.5kg

U95kg -65kg
O95kg - 80kg 

Event 2 
Deadlift for reps. 60s 

A classic strongman event! No suits, hooks or sumo allowed but all sleeves, and figure of 8s all good! 


U95kg 150kg
O95kg 180kg

Event 3

Duck walk 2 x 15m 

Love it or hate it the duck walk is a super test in this sport and is a great one for picking up points! 


U95kg 100kg
O95kg 120kg

Event 4
Farmers Carry 2 x 15m 

We have all watched the farmers carry at worlds strongest man, now you’ll be doing it. 
Carry the farmers one way, put them down then bring them back. Fastest time wins! 

U75kg-40kg per hand
O75KG-50kg per hand

U95kg 70kg per hand
O95kg 90kg per hand 

Event 5! 

Sandbag over yoke! 
A test of fitness as well as strength. This year we will be asking athletes to carry the sandbag 5 metres up to their first load, then once that’s over, load over as many times as possible in 60s. Most reps wins! 


U95kg 70kg
O95kg 80kg

All athletes get competition T-shirt and podium receives medals/trophies! 
Please leave T-shirt size on entry form. 

We do hope you’ll join us. There’s only 35 athlete spots and each year we sell out so don’t miss out! 

Massive thanks to podium sponsors Buds Fitness & sponsor Sports therapist Whitelaw well being. 

La cacina grill will be there with hot food and coffee on the day too! 

Find out more:




  • First timers u75kg
  • First timers
  • First timers u95kg
  • First timers


AL Fitness
Gym @ Woodford Lodge
CV10 0RX

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